nltk.parse.transitionparser module¶
- class nltk.parse.transitionparser.Configuration[source]¶
Class for holding configuration which is the partial analysis of the input sentence. The transition based parser aims at finding set of operators that transfer the initial configuration to the terminal configuration.
- The configuration includes:
Stack: for storing partially proceeded words
Buffer: for storing remaining input words
Set of arcs: for storing partially built dependency tree
This class also provides a method to represent a configuration as list of features.
- class nltk.parse.transitionparser.Transition[source]¶
This class defines a set of transition which is applied to a configuration to get another configuration Note that for different parsing algorithm, the transition is different.
- __init__(alg_option)[source]¶
- Parameters:
alg_option (str) – the algorithm option of this parser. Currently support arc-standard and arc-eager algorithm
- left_arc(conf, relation)[source]¶
Note that the algorithm for left-arc is quite similar except for precondition for both arc-standard and arc-eager
- Parameters:
configuration – is the current configuration
- Returns:
A new configuration or -1 if the pre-condition is not satisfied
- reduce(conf)[source]¶
Note that the algorithm for reduce is only available for arc-eager
- Parameters:
configuration – is the current configuration
- Returns:
A new configuration or -1 if the pre-condition is not satisfied
- class nltk.parse.transitionparser.TransitionParser[source]¶
Class for transition based parser. Implement 2 algorithms which are “arc-standard” and “arc-eager”
- ARC_EAGER = 'arc-eager'¶
- ARC_STANDARD = 'arc-standard'¶
- __init__(algorithm)[source]¶
- Parameters:
algorithm (str) – the algorithm option of this parser. Currently support arc-standard and arc-eager algorithm
- parse(depgraphs, modelFile)[source]¶
- Parameters:
depgraphs (list(DependencyGraph)) – the list of test sentence, each sentence is represented as a dependency graph where the ‘head’ information is dummy
modelfile (str) – the model file
- Returns:
list (DependencyGraph) with the ‘head’ and ‘rel’ information
- nltk.parse.transitionparser.demo()[source]¶
>>> from nltk.parse import DependencyGraph, DependencyEvaluator >>> from nltk.parse.transitionparser import TransitionParser, Configuration, Transition >>> gold_sent = DependencyGraph(""" ... Economic JJ 2 ATT ... news NN 3 SBJ ... has VBD 0 ROOT ... little JJ 5 ATT ... effect NN 3 OBJ ... on IN 5 ATT ... financial JJ 8 ATT ... markets NNS 6 PC ... . . 3 PU ... """)
>>> conf = Configuration(gold_sent)
###################### Check the Initial Feature ########################
>>> print(', '.join(conf.extract_features())) STK_0_POS_TOP, BUF_0_FORM_Economic, BUF_0_LEMMA_Economic, BUF_0_POS_JJ, BUF_1_FORM_news, BUF_1_POS_NN, BUF_2_POS_VBD, BUF_3_POS_JJ
###################### Check The Transition ####################### Check the Initialized Configuration >>> print(conf) Stack : [0] Buffer : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Arcs : []
Do some transition checks for ARC-STANDARD
>>> operation = Transition('arc-standard') >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.left_arc(conf, "ATT") >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.left_arc(conf,"SBJ") >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.left_arc(conf, "ATT") >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.left_arc(conf, "ATT")
Middle Configuration and Features Check >>> print(conf) Stack : [0, 3, 5, 6] Buffer : [8, 9] Arcs : [(2, ‘ATT’, 1), (3, ‘SBJ’, 2), (5, ‘ATT’, 4), (8, ‘ATT’, 7)]
>>> print(', '.join(conf.extract_features())) STK_0_FORM_on, STK_0_LEMMA_on, STK_0_POS_IN, STK_1_POS_NN, BUF_0_FORM_markets, BUF_0_LEMMA_markets, BUF_0_POS_NNS, BUF_1_FORM_., BUF_1_POS_., BUF_0_LDEP_ATT
>>> operation.right_arc(conf, "PC") >>> operation.right_arc(conf, "ATT") >>> operation.right_arc(conf, "OBJ") >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.right_arc(conf, "PU") >>> operation.right_arc(conf, "ROOT") >>> operation.shift(conf)
Terminated Configuration Check >>> print(conf) Stack : [0] Buffer : [] Arcs : [(2, ‘ATT’, 1), (3, ‘SBJ’, 2), (5, ‘ATT’, 4), (8, ‘ATT’, 7), (6, ‘PC’, 8), (5, ‘ATT’, 6), (3, ‘OBJ’, 5), (3, ‘PU’, 9), (0, ‘ROOT’, 3)]
Do some transition checks for ARC-EAGER
>>> conf = Configuration(gold_sent) >>> operation = Transition('arc-eager') >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.left_arc(conf,'ATT') >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.left_arc(conf,'SBJ') >>> operation.right_arc(conf,'ROOT') >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.left_arc(conf,'ATT') >>> operation.right_arc(conf,'OBJ') >>> operation.right_arc(conf,'ATT') >>> operation.shift(conf) >>> operation.left_arc(conf,'ATT') >>> operation.right_arc(conf,'PC') >>> operation.reduce(conf) >>> operation.reduce(conf) >>> operation.reduce(conf) >>> operation.right_arc(conf,'PU') >>> print(conf) Stack : [0, 3, 9] Buffer : [] Arcs : [(2, 'ATT', 1), (3, 'SBJ', 2), (0, 'ROOT', 3), (5, 'ATT', 4), (3, 'OBJ', 5), (5, 'ATT', 6), (8, 'ATT', 7), (6, 'PC', 8), (3, 'PU', 9)]
###################### Check The Training Function #######################
A. Check the ARC-STANDARD training >>> import tempfile >>> import os >>> input_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=’transition_parse.train’, dir=tempfile.gettempdir(), delete=False)
>>> parser_std = TransitionParser('arc-standard') >>> print(', '.join(parser_std._create_training_examples_arc_std([gold_sent], input_file))) Number of training examples : 1 Number of valid (projective) examples : 1 SHIFT, LEFTARC:ATT, SHIFT, LEFTARC:SBJ, SHIFT, SHIFT, LEFTARC:ATT, SHIFT, SHIFT, SHIFT, LEFTARC:ATT, RIGHTARC:PC, RIGHTARC:ATT, RIGHTARC:OBJ, SHIFT, RIGHTARC:PU, RIGHTARC:ROOT, SHIFT
>>> parser_std.train([gold_sent],'temp.arcstd.model', verbose=False) Number of training examples : 1 Number of valid (projective) examples : 1 >>> input_file.close() >>> remove(
Check the ARC-EAGER training
>>> input_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='transition_parse.train', dir=tempfile.gettempdir(),delete=False) >>> parser_eager = TransitionParser('arc-eager') >>> print(', '.join(parser_eager._create_training_examples_arc_eager([gold_sent], input_file))) Number of training examples : 1 Number of valid (projective) examples : 1 SHIFT, LEFTARC:ATT, SHIFT, LEFTARC:SBJ, RIGHTARC:ROOT, SHIFT, LEFTARC:ATT, RIGHTARC:OBJ, RIGHTARC:ATT, SHIFT, LEFTARC:ATT, RIGHTARC:PC, REDUCE, REDUCE, REDUCE, RIGHTARC:PU
>>> parser_eager.train([gold_sent],'temp.arceager.model', verbose=False) Number of training examples : 1 Number of valid (projective) examples : 1
>>> input_file.close() >>> remove(
###################### Check The Parsing Function ########################
Check the ARC-STANDARD parser
>>> result = parser_std.parse([gold_sent], 'temp.arcstd.model') >>> de = DependencyEvaluator(result, [gold_sent]) >>> de.eval() >= (0, 0) True
B. Check the ARC-EAGER parser >>> result = parser_eager.parse([gold_sent], ‘temp.arceager.model’) >>> de = DependencyEvaluator(result, [gold_sent]) >>> de.eval() >= (0, 0) True
Remove test temporary files >>> remove(‘temp.arceager.model’) >>> remove(‘temp.arcstd.model’)
Note that result is very poor because of only one training example.