nltk.parse.dependencygraph module

Tools for reading and writing dependency trees. The input is assumed to be in Malt-TAB format (

class nltk.parse.dependencygraph.DependencyGraph[source]

Bases: object

A container for the nodes and labelled edges of a dependency structure.

__init__(tree_str=None, cell_extractor=None, zero_based=False, cell_separator=None, top_relation_label='ROOT')[source]

Dependency graph.

We place a dummy TOP node with the index 0, since the root node is often assigned 0 as its head. This also means that the indexing of the nodes corresponds directly to the Malt-TAB format, which starts at 1.

If zero-based is True, then Malt-TAB-like input with node numbers starting at 0 and the root node assigned -1 (as produced by, e.g., zpar).

  • cell_separator (str) – the cell separator. If not provided, cells are split by whitespace.

  • top_relation_label (str) – the label by which the top relation is identified, for examlple, ROOT, null or TOP.

add_arc(head_address, mod_address)[source]

Adds an arc from the node specified by head_address to the node specified by the mod address.


Fully connects all non-root nodes. All nodes are set to be dependents of the root node.


Returns true if the graph contains a node with the given node address, false otherwise.


Check whether there are cycles.

>>> dg = DependencyGraph(treebank_data)
>>> dg.contains_cycle()
>>> cyclic_dg = DependencyGraph()
>>> top = {'word': None, 'deps': [1], 'rel': 'TOP', 'address': 0}
>>> child1 = {'word': None, 'deps': [2], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 1}
>>> child2 = {'word': None, 'deps': [4], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 2}
>>> child3 = {'word': None, 'deps': [1], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 3}
>>> child4 = {'word': None, 'deps': [3], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 4}
>>> cyclic_dg.nodes = {
...     0: top,
...     1: child1,
...     2: child2,
...     3: child3,
...     4: child4,
... }
>>> cyclic_dg.root = top
>>> cyclic_dg.contains_cycle()
[1, 2, 4, 3]

Return the node with the given address.

get_cycle_path(curr_node, goal_node_index)[source]

Returns the number of left children under the node specified by the given address.

static load(filename, zero_based=False, cell_separator=None, top_relation_label='ROOT')[source]
  • filename – a name of a file in Malt-TAB format

  • zero_based – nodes in the input file are numbered starting from 0 rather than 1 (as produced by, e.g., zpar)

  • cell_separator (str) – the cell separator. If not provided, cells are split by whitespace.

  • top_relation_label (str) – the label by which the top relation is identified, for examlple, ROOT, null or TOP.


a list of DependencyGraphs


Convert the data in a nodelist into a networkx labeled directed graph.

redirect_arcs(originals, redirect)[source]

Redirects arcs to any of the nodes in the originals list to the redirect node address.


Removes the node with the given address. References to this node in others will still exist.


Returns the number of right children under the node specified by the given address.


The dependency graph in CoNLL format.


style (int) – the style to use for the format (3, 4, 10 columns)

Return type:



Return a dot representation suitable for using with Graphviz.

>>> dg = DependencyGraph(
...     'John N 2\n'
...     'loves V 0\n'
...     'Mary N 2'
... )
>>> print(dg.to_dot())
digraph G{
edge [dir=forward]
node [shape=plaintext]

0 [label="0 (None)"]
0 -> 2 [label="ROOT"]
1 [label="1 (John)"]
2 [label="2 (loves)"]
2 -> 1 [label=""]
2 -> 3 [label=""]
3 [label="3 (Mary)"]

Starting with the root node, build a dependency tree using the NLTK Tree constructor. Dependency labels are omitted.


Extract dependency triples of the form: ((head word, head tag), rel, (dep word, dep tag))

exception nltk.parse.dependencygraph.DependencyGraphError[source]

Bases: Exception

Dependency graph exception.


A demonstration of how to read a string representation of a CoNLL format dependency tree.

nltk.parse.dependencygraph.dot2img(dot_string, t='svg')[source]

Create image representation fom dot_string, using the ‘dot’ program from the Graphviz package.

Use the ‘t’ argument to specify the image file format, for ex. ‘jpeg’, ‘eps’, ‘json’, ‘png’ or ‘webp’ (Running ‘dot -T:’ lists all available formats).

Note that the “capture_output” option of is only available with text formats (like svg), but not with binary image formats (like png).


A demonstration of the result of reading a dependency version of the first sentence of the Penn Treebank.