Sample usage for treeprettyprinter

Unit tests for nltk.tree.prettyprinter.TreePrettyPrinter

>>> from nltk.tree import Tree, TreePrettyPrinter

Tree nr 2170 from nltk.corpus.treebank:

>>> tree = Tree.fromstring(
...     '(S (NP-SBJ (PRP I)) (VP (VBP feel) (ADJP-PRD (RB pretty) '
...     '(JJ good)) (PP-CLR (IN about) (NP (PRP it)))) (. .))')
>>> tpp = TreePrettyPrinter(tree)
>>> print(tpp.text())
  |                          VP                    |
  |      ____________________|___________          |
  |     |             |                PP-CLR      |
  |     |             |             _____|_____    |
NP-SBJ  |          ADJP-PRD        |           NP  |
  |     |      _______|______      |           |   |
 PRP   VBP    RB             JJ    IN         PRP  .
  |     |     |              |     |           |   |
  I    feel pretty          good about         it  .
>>> print(tpp.text(unicodelines=True))
  │                          VP                    │
  │     ┌─────────────┬──────┴───────────┐         │
  │     │             │                PP-CLR      │
  │     │             │            ┌─────┴─────┐   │
NP-SBJ  │          ADJP-PRD        │           NP  │
  │     │     ┌───────┴──────┐     │           │   │
 PRP   VBP    RB             JJ    IN         PRP  .
  │     │     │              │     │           │   │
  I    feel pretty          good about         it  .

A tree with long labels:

>>> tree = Tree.fromstring(
...     '(sentence (plural-noun-phrase (plural-noun Superconductors)) '
...     '(verb-phrase (plural-verb conduct) '
...     '(noun-phrase (singular-noun electricity))))')
>>> tpp = TreePrettyPrinter(tree)
>>> print(tpp.text(abbreviate=8, nodedist=2))
    |                 verb-phr.
    |           __________|__________
plural-n.      |                 noun-phr.
    |          |                     |
plural-n.  plural-v.             singular.
    |          |                     |
Supercon.   conduct              electric.
>>> print(tpp.text(maxwidth=8, nodedist=2))
   |                verb-
   |                phrase
   |          ________|_________
plural-      |                noun-
 noun-       |                phrase
 phrase      |                  |
   |         |                  |
plural-   plural-           singular-
  noun      verb               noun
   |         |                  |
Supercon  conduct            electric
ductors                        ity

A discontinuous tree:

>>> tree = Tree.fromstring(
...     '(top (punct 8) (smain (noun 0) (verb 1) (inf (verb 5) (inf (verb 6) '
...     '(conj (inf (pp (prep 2) (np (det 3) (noun 4))) (verb 7)) (inf (verb 9)) '
...     '(vg 10) (inf (verb 11)))))) (punct 12))', read_leaf=int)
>>> sentence = ('Ze had met haar moeder kunnen gaan winkelen ,'
...             ' zwemmen of terrassen .'.split())
>>> tpp = TreePrettyPrinter(tree, sentence)
>>> print(tpp.text())
                               smain                      |                           |
  _______________________________|_____                   |                           |
 |    |                               inf                 |                           |
 |    |                           _____|____              |                           |
 |    |                          |         inf            |                           |
 |    |                          |      ____|_____        |                           |
 |    |                          |     |         conj     |                           |
 |    |                    _____ | ___ | _________|______ | __________________        |
 |    |                  inf     |     |                  |      |     |      |       |
 |    |          _________|_____ | ___ | _________        |      |     |      |       |
 |    |         pp               |     |          |       |      |     |      |       |
 |    |     ____|____            |     |          |       |      |     |      |       |
 |    |    |         np          |     |          |       |     inf    |     inf      |
 |    |    |     ____|____       |     |          |       |      |     |      |       |
noun verb prep det       noun   verb  verb       verb   punct   verb   vg    verb   punct
 |    |    |    |         |      |     |          |       |      |     |      |       |
 Ze  had  met  haar     moeder kunnen gaan     winkelen   ,   zwemmen  of terrassen   .
>>> print(tpp.text(unicodelines=True))
                               smain                      │                           │
 ┌────┬──────────────────────────┴─────┐                  │                           │
 │    │                               inf                 │                           │
 │    │                          ┌─────┴────┐             │                           │
 │    │                          │         inf            │                           │
 │    │                          │     ┌────┴─────┐       │                           │
 │    │                          │     │         conj     │                           │
 │    │                   ┌───── │ ─── │ ─────────┴────── │ ─────┬─────┬──────┐       │
 │    │                  inf     │     │                  │      │     │      │       │
 │    │         ┌─────────┴───── │ ─── │ ─────────┐       │      │     │      │       │
 │    │         pp               │     │          │       │      │     │      │       │
 │    │    ┌────┴────┐           │     │          │       │      │     │      │       │
 │    │    │         np          │     │          │       │     inf    │     inf      │
 │    │    │    ┌────┴────┐      │     │          │       │      │     │      │       │
noun verb prep det       noun   verb  verb       verb   punct   verb   vg    verb   punct
 │    │    │    │         │      │     │          │       │      │     │      │       │
 Ze  had  met  haar     moeder kunnen gaan     winkelen   ,   zwemmen  of terrassen   .

Importing TreePrettyPrinter

First of all, a simple tree will be constructed:

>>> from nltk.tree import Tree
>>> tree = Tree.fromstring('(S (NP Mary) (VP walks))')

We’ll use this sample tree to show that the method of importing TreePrettyPrinter work correctly:

  • Recommended:

    >>> from nltk.tree import TreePrettyPrinter
    >>> print(TreePrettyPrinter(tree).text())
     NP        VP
     |         |
    Mary     walks
  • Alternative but valid options:

    >>> from nltk import TreePrettyPrinter
    >>> print(TreePrettyPrinter(tree).text())
     NP        VP
     |         |
    Mary     walks
    >>> from nltk.tree.prettyprinter import TreePrettyPrinter
    >>> print(TreePrettyPrinter(tree).text())
     NP        VP
     |         |
    Mary     walks
  • Deprecated, do not use:

    >>> from nltk.treeprettyprinter import TreePrettyPrinter
    >>> print(TreePrettyPrinter(tree).text())
     NP        VP
     |         |
    Mary     walks

    This method will throw a DeprecationWarning:

    Import `TreePrettyPrinter` using `from nltk.tree import TreePrettyPrinter` instead.