nltk.tokenize.toktok module

The tok-tok tokenizer is a simple, general tokenizer, where the input has one sentence per line; thus only final period is tokenized.

Tok-tok has been tested on, and gives reasonably good results for English, Persian, Russian, Czech, French, German, Vietnamese, Tajik, and a few others. The input should be in UTF-8 encoding.

Reference: Jon Dehdari. 2014. A Neurophysiologically-Inspired Statistical Language Model (Doctoral dissertation). Columbus, OH, USA: The Ohio State University.

class nltk.tokenize.toktok.ToktokTokenizer[source]

Bases: TokenizerI

This is a Python port of the from

>>> toktok = ToktokTokenizer()
>>> text = u'Is 9.5 or 525,600 my favorite number?'
>>> print(toktok.tokenize(text, return_str=True))
Is 9.5 or 525,600 my favorite number ?
>>> text = u'The is a website with/and/or slashes and sort of weird : things'
>>> print(toktok.tokenize(text, return_str=True))
The is a website with/and/or slashes and sort of weird : things
>>> text = u'¡This, is a sentence with weird» symbols… appearing everywhere¿'
>>> expected = u'¡ This , is a sentence with weird » symbols … appearing everywhere ¿'
>>> assert toktok.tokenize(text, return_str=True) == expected
>>> toktok.tokenize(text) == [u'¡', u'This', u',', u'is', u'a', u'sentence', u'with', u'weird', u'»', u'symbols', u'…', u'appearing', u'everywhere', u'¿']
AMPERCENT = (re.compile('& '), '& ')
CLOSE_PUNCT = ')]}༻༽᚜⁆⁾₎〉❩❫❭❯❱❳❵⟆⟧⟩⟫⟭⟯⦄⦆⦈⦊⦌⦎⦐⦒⦔⦖⦘⧙⧛⧽⸣⸥⸧⸩〉》」』】〕〗〙〛〞〟﴿︘︶︸︺︼︾﹀﹂﹄﹈﹚﹜﹞)]}⦆」'
CLOSE_PUNCT_RE = (re.compile('([)]}༻༽᚜⁆⁾₎〉❩❫❭❯❱❳❵⟆⟧⟩⟫⟭⟯⦄⦆⦈⦊⦌⦎⦐⦒⦔⦖⦘⧙⧛⧽⸣⸥⸧⸩〉》」』】〕〗〙〛〞〟﴿︘︶︸︺︼︾﹀﹂﹄﹈﹚﹜﹞)]}⦆」])'), '\\1 ')
COMMA_IN_NUM = (re.compile('(?<!,)([,،])(?![,\\d])'), ' \\1 ')
CURRENCY_SYM = '$¢£¤¥֏؋৲৳৻૱௹฿៛₠₡₢₣₤₥₦₧₨₩₪₫€₭₮₯₰₱₲₳₴₵₶₷₸₹₺꠸﷼﹩$¢£¥₩'
CURRENCY_SYM_RE = (re.compile('([$¢£¤¥֏؋৲৳৻૱௹฿៛₠₡₢₣₤₥₦₧₨₩₪₫€₭₮₯₰₱₲₳₴₵₶₷₸₹₺꠸﷼﹩$¢£¥₩])'), '\\1 ')
EN_EM_DASHES = (re.compile('([–—])'), ' \\1 ')
FINAL_PERIOD_1 = (re.compile('(?<!\\.)\\.$'), ' .')
FINAL_PERIOD_2 = (re.compile('(?<!\\.)\\.\\s*(["\'’»›”]) *$'), ' . \\1')
FUNKY_PUNCT_1 = (re.compile('([،;؛¿!"\\])}»›”؟¡%٪°±©®।॥…])'), ' \\1 ')
FUNKY_PUNCT_2 = (re.compile('([({\\[“‘„‚«‹「『])'), ' \\1 ')
LSTRIP = (re.compile('^ +'), '')
MULTI_COMMAS = (re.compile('(,{2,})'), ' \\1 ')
MULTI_DASHES = (re.compile('(-{2,})'), ' \\1 ')
MULTI_DOTS = (re.compile('(\\.{2,})'), ' \\1 ')
NON_BREAKING = (re.compile('\xa0'), ' ')
ONE_SPACE = (re.compile(' {2,}'), ' ')
OPEN_PUNCT = '([{༺༼᚛‚„⁅⁽₍〈❨❪❬❮❰❲❴⟅⟦⟨⟪⟬⟮⦃⦅⦇⦉⦋⦍⦏⦑⦓⦕⦗⧘⧚⧼⸢⸤⸦⸨〈《「『【〔〖〘〚〝﴾︗︵︷︹︻︽︿﹁﹃﹇﹙﹛﹝([{⦅「'
OPEN_PUNCT_RE = (re.compile('([([{༺༼᚛‚„⁅⁽₍〈❨❪❬❮❰❲❴⟅⟦⟨⟪⟬⟮⦃⦅⦇⦉⦋⦍⦏⦑⦓⦕⦗⧘⧚⧼⸢⸤⸦⸨〈《「『【〔〖〘〚〝﴾︗︵︷︹︻︽︿﹁﹃﹇﹙﹛﹝([{⦅「])'), '\\1 ')
PIPE = (re.compile('\\|'), ' &#124; ')
PROB_SINGLE_QUOTES = (re.compile("(['’`])"), ' \\1 ')
RSTRIP = (re.compile('\\s+$'), '\n')
STUPID_QUOTES_1 = (re.compile(' ` ` '), ' `` ')
STUPID_QUOTES_2 = (re.compile(" ' ' "), " '' ")
TAB = (re.compile('\t'), ' &#9; ')
TOKTOK_REGEXES = [(re.compile('\xa0'), ' '), (re.compile('([،;؛¿!"\\])}»›”؟¡%٪°±©®।॥…])'), ' \\1 '), (re.compile('([({\\[“‘„‚«‹「『])'), ' \\1 '), (re.compile(':(?!//)'), ' : '), (re.compile('\\?(?!\\S)'), ' ? '), (re.compile('(:\\/\\/)[\\S+\\.\\S+\\/\\S+][\\/]'), ' / '), (re.compile(' /'), ' / '), (re.compile('& '), '&amp; '), (re.compile('\t'), ' &#9; '), (re.compile('\\|'), ' &#124; '), (re.compile('([([{༺༼᚛‚„⁅⁽₍〈❨❪❬❮❰❲❴⟅⟦⟨⟪⟬⟮⦃⦅⦇⦉⦋⦍⦏⦑⦓⦕⦗⧘⧚⧼⸢⸤⸦⸨〈《「『【〔〖〘〚〝﴾︗︵︷︹︻︽︿﹁﹃﹇﹙﹛﹝([{⦅「])'), '\\1 '), (re.compile('([)]}༻༽᚜⁆⁾₎〉❩❫❭❯❱❳❵⟆⟧⟩⟫⟭⟯⦄⦆⦈⦊⦌⦎⦐⦒⦔⦖⦘⧙⧛⧽⸣⸥⸧⸩〉》」』】〕〗〙〛〞〟﴿︘︶︸︺︼︾﹀﹂﹄﹈﹚﹜﹞)]}⦆」])'), '\\1 '), (re.compile('(,{2,})'), ' \\1 '), (re.compile('(?<!,)([,،])(?![,\\d])'), ' \\1 '), (re.compile("(['’`])"), ' \\1 '), (re.compile(' ` ` '), ' `` '), (re.compile(" ' ' "), " '' "), (re.compile('([$¢£¤¥֏؋৲৳৻૱௹฿៛₠₡₢₣₤₥₦₧₨₩₪₫€₭₮₯₰₱₲₳₴₵₶₷₸₹₺꠸﷼﹩$¢£¥₩])'), '\\1 '), (re.compile('([–—])'), ' \\1 '), (re.compile('(-{2,})'), ' \\1 '), (re.compile('(\\.{2,})'), ' \\1 '), (re.compile('(?<!\\.)\\.$'), ' .'), (re.compile('(?<!\\.)\\.\\s*(["\'’»›”]) *$'), ' . \\1'), (re.compile(' {2,}'), ' ')]
URL_FOE_1 = (re.compile(':(?!//)'), ' : ')
URL_FOE_2 = (re.compile('\\?(?!\\S)'), ' ? ')
URL_FOE_3 = (re.compile('(:\\/\\/)[\\S+\\.\\S+\\/\\S+][\\/]'), ' / ')
URL_FOE_4 = (re.compile(' /'), ' / ')
tokenize(text, return_str=False)[source]

Return a tokenized copy of s.

Return type:
