nltk.tbl.feature module

class nltk.tbl.feature.Feature[source]

Bases: object

An abstract base class for Features. A Feature is a combination of a specific property-computing method and a list of relative positions to apply that method to.

The property-computing method, M{extract_property(tokens, index)}, must be implemented by every subclass. It extracts or computes a specific property for the token at the current index. Typical extract_property() methods return features such as the token text or tag; but more involved methods may consider the entire sequence M{tokens} and for instance compute the length of the sentence the token belongs to.

In addition, the subclass may have a PROPERTY_NAME, which is how it will be printed (in Rules and Templates, etc). If not given, defaults to the classname.

__init__(positions, end=None)[source]

Construct a Feature which may apply at C{positions}.

>>> # For instance, importing some concrete subclasses (Feature is abstract)
>>> from nltk.tag.brill import Word, Pos
>>> # Feature Word, applying at one of [-2, -1]
>>> Word([-2,-1])
Word([-2, -1])
>>> # Positions need not be contiguous
>>> Word([-2,-1, 1])
Word([-2, -1, 1])
>>> # Contiguous ranges can alternatively be specified giving the
>>> # two endpoints (inclusive)
>>> Pos(-3, -1)
Pos([-3, -2, -1])
>>> # In two-arg form, start <= end is enforced
>>> Pos(2, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "nltk/tbl/", line 306, in __init__
    raise TypeError
ValueError: illegal interval specification: (start=2, end=1)

positions (list of int) – the positions at which this features should apply


ValueError – illegal position specifications

An alternative calling convention, for contiguous positions only, is Feature(start, end):

  • start (int) – start of range where this feature should apply

  • end (int) – end of range (NOTE: inclusive!) where this feature should apply

classmethod decode_json_obj(obj)[source]
classmethod expand(starts, winlens, excludezero=False)[source]

Return a list of features, one for each start point in starts and for each window length in winlen. If excludezero is True, no Features containing 0 in its positions will be generated (many tbl trainers have a special representation for the target feature at [0])

For instance, importing a concrete subclass (Feature is abstract)

>>> from nltk.tag.brill import Word

First argument gives the possible start positions, second the possible window lengths

>>> Word.expand([-3,-2,-1], [1])
[Word([-3]), Word([-2]), Word([-1])]
>>> Word.expand([-2,-1], [1])
[Word([-2]), Word([-1])]
>>> Word.expand([-3,-2,-1], [1,2])
[Word([-3]), Word([-2]), Word([-1]), Word([-3, -2]), Word([-2, -1])]
>>> Word.expand([-2,-1], [1])
[Word([-2]), Word([-1])]

A third optional argument excludes all Features whose positions contain zero

>>> Word.expand([-2,-1,0], [1,2], excludezero=False)
[Word([-2]), Word([-1]), Word([0]), Word([-2, -1]), Word([-1, 0])]
>>> Word.expand([-2,-1,0], [1,2], excludezero=True)
[Word([-2]), Word([-1]), Word([-2, -1])]

All window lengths must be positive

>>> Word.expand([-2,-1], [0])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "nltk/tag/tbl/", line 371, in expand
    :param starts: where to start looking for Feature
ValueError: non-positive window length in [0]
  • starts (list of ints) – where to start looking for Feature

  • winlens – window lengths where to look for Feature

  • excludezero (bool) – do not output any Feature with 0 in any of its positions.


list of Features


ValueError – for non-positive window lengths

abstract static extract_property(tokens, index)[source]

Any subclass of Feature must define static method extract_property(tokens, index)

  • tokens (list of tokens) – the sequence of tokens

  • index (int) – the current index


feature value

Return type:

any (but usually scalar)


Return True if the positions of this Feature intersects with those of other

More precisely, return True if this feature refers to the same property as other; and there is some overlap in the positions they look at.

#For instance, importing a concrete subclass (Feature is abstract) >>> from nltk.tag.brill import Word, Pos

>>> Word([-3,-2,-1]).intersects(Word([-3,-2]))
>>> Word([-3,-2,-1]).intersects(Word([-3,-2, 0]))
>>> Word([-3,-2,-1]).intersects(Word([0]))

#Feature subclasses must agree >>> Word([-3,-2,-1]).intersects(Pos([-3,-2])) False


other ((subclass of) Feature) – feature with which to compare


True if feature classes agree and there is some overlap in the positions they look at

Return type:



Return True if this Feature always returns True when other does

More precisely, return True if this feature refers to the same property as other; and this Feature looks at all positions that other does (and possibly other positions in addition).

#For instance, importing a concrete subclass (Feature is abstract) >>> from nltk.tag.brill import Word, Pos

>>> Word([-3,-2,-1]).issuperset(Word([-3,-2]))
>>> Word([-3,-2,-1]).issuperset(Word([-3,-2, 0]))

#Feature subclasses must agree >>> Word([-3,-2,-1]).issuperset(Pos([-3,-2])) False


other ((subclass of) Feature) – feature with which to compare


True if this feature is superset, otherwise False

Return type:


json_tag = 'nltk.tbl.Feature'