nltk.parse.util module

Utility functions for parsers.

class nltk.parse.util.TestGrammar[source]

Bases: object

Unit tests for CFG.

__init__(grammar, suite, accept=None, reject=None)[source]

Sentences in the test suite are divided into two classes:

  • grammatical (accept) and

  • ungrammatical (reject).

If a sentence should parse according to the grammar, the value of trees will be a non-empty list. If a sentence should be rejected according to the grammar, then the value of trees will be None.

nltk.parse.util.extract_test_sentences(string, comment_chars='#%;', encoding=None)[source]

Parses a string with one test sentence per line. Lines can optionally begin with:

  • a bool, saying if the sentence is grammatical or not, or

  • an int, giving the number of parse trees is should have,

The result information is followed by a colon, and then the sentence. Empty lines and lines beginning with a comment char are ignored.


a list of tuple of sentences and expected results, where a sentence is a list of str, and a result is None, or bool, or int

  • comment_charsstr of possible comment characters.

  • encoding – the encoding of the string, if it is binary

nltk.parse.util.load_parser(grammar_url, trace=0, parser=None, chart_class=None, beam_size=0, **load_args)[source]

Load a grammar from a file, and build a parser based on that grammar. The parser depends on the grammar format, and might also depend on properties of the grammar itself.

The following grammar formats are currently supported:
  • 'cfg' (CFGs: CFG)

  • 'pcfg' (probabilistic CFGs: PCFG)

  • 'fcfg' (feature-based CFGs: FeatureGrammar)

  • grammar_url (str) – A URL specifying where the grammar is located. The default protocol is "nltk:", which searches for the file in the the NLTK data package.

  • trace (int) – The level of tracing that should be used when parsing a text. 0 will generate no tracing output; and higher numbers will produce more verbose tracing output.

  • parser – The class used for parsing; should be ChartParser or a subclass. If None, the class depends on the grammar format.

  • chart_class – The class used for storing the chart; should be Chart or a subclass. Only used for CFGs and feature CFGs. If None, the chart class depends on the grammar format.

  • beam_size (int) – The maximum length for the parser’s edge queue. Only used for probabilistic CFGs.

  • load_args – Keyword parameters used when loading the grammar. See data.load for more information.


A module to convert a single POS tagged sentence into CONLL format.

>>> from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag
>>> text = "This is a foobar sentence."
>>> for line in taggedsent_to_conll(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text))): 
...         print(line, end="")
    1       This    _       DT      DT      _       0       a       _       _
    2       is      _       VBZ     VBZ     _       0       a       _       _
    3       a       _       DT      DT      _       0       a       _       _
    4       foobar  _       JJ      JJ      _       0       a       _       _
    5       sentence        _       NN      NN      _       0       a       _       _
    6       .               _       .       .       _       0       a       _       _

sentence (list(tuple(str, str))) – A single input sentence to parse

Return type



a generator yielding a single sentence in CONLL format.


A module to convert the a POS tagged document stream (i.e. list of list of tuples, a list of sentences) and yield lines in CONLL format. This module yields one line per word and two newlines for end of sentence.

>>> from nltk import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize, pos_tag
>>> text = "This is a foobar sentence. Is that right?"
>>> sentences = [pos_tag(word_tokenize(sent)) for sent in sent_tokenize(text)]
>>> for line in taggedsents_to_conll(sentences): 
...     if line:
...         print(line, end="")
1   This    _       DT      DT      _       0       a       _       _
2   is      _       VBZ     VBZ     _       0       a       _       _
3   a       _       DT      DT      _       0       a       _       _
4   foobar  _       JJ      JJ      _       0       a       _       _
5   sentence        _       NN      NN      _       0       a       _       _
6   .               _       .       .       _       0       a       _       _

1   Is      _       VBZ     VBZ     _       0       a       _       _
2   that    _       IN      IN      _       0       a       _       _
3   right   _       NN      NN      _       0       a       _       _
4   ?       _       .       .       _       0       a       _       _


sentences – Input sentences to parse

Return type



a generator yielding sentences in CONLL format.