Source code for nltk.twitter.util
# Natural Language Toolkit: Twitter client
# Copyright (C) 2001-2024 NLTK Project
# Author: Ewan Klein <>
# Lorenzo Rubio <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Authentication utilities to accompany `twitterclient`.
import os
import pprint
from twython import Twython
def credsfromfile(creds_file=None, subdir=None, verbose=False):
Convenience function for authentication
return Authenticate().load_creds(
creds_file=creds_file, subdir=subdir, verbose=verbose
class Authenticate:
Methods for authenticating with Twitter.
def __init__(self):
self.creds_file = "credentials.txt"
self.creds_fullpath = None
self.oauth = {}
self.twitter_dir = os.environ["TWITTER"]
self.creds_subdir = self.twitter_dir
except KeyError:
self.twitter_dir = None
self.creds_subdir = None
def load_creds(self, creds_file=None, subdir=None, verbose=False):
Read OAuth credentials from a text file.
File format for OAuth 1::
File format for OAuth 2::
:param str file_name: File containing credentials. ``None`` (default) reads
data from `TWITTER/'credentials.txt'`
if creds_file is not None:
self.creds_file = creds_file
if subdir is None:
if self.creds_subdir is None:
msg = (
"Supply a value to the 'subdir' parameter or"
+ " set the TWITTER environment variable."
raise ValueError(msg)
self.creds_subdir = subdir
self.creds_fullpath = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(self.creds_subdir, self.creds_file)
if not os.path.isfile(self.creds_fullpath):
raise OSError(f"Cannot find file {self.creds_fullpath}")
with open(self.creds_fullpath) as infile:
if verbose:
print(f"Reading credentials file {self.creds_fullpath}")
for line in infile:
if "=" in line:
name, value = line.split("=", 1)
self.oauth[name.strip()] = value.strip()
return self.oauth
def _validate_creds_file(self, verbose=False):
"""Check validity of a credentials file."""
oauth1 = False
oauth1_keys = ["app_key", "app_secret", "oauth_token", "oauth_token_secret"]
oauth2 = False
oauth2_keys = ["app_key", "app_secret", "access_token"]
if all(k in self.oauth for k in oauth1_keys):
oauth1 = True
elif all(k in self.oauth for k in oauth2_keys):
oauth2 = True
if not (oauth1 or oauth2):
msg = f"Missing or incorrect entries in {self.creds_file}\n"
msg += pprint.pformat(self.oauth)
raise ValueError(msg)
elif verbose:
print(f'Credentials file "{self.creds_file}" looks good')
def add_access_token(creds_file=None):
For OAuth 2, retrieve an access token for an app and append it to a
credentials file.
if creds_file is None:
path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
creds_file = os.path.join(path, "credentials2.txt")
oauth2 = credsfromfile(creds_file=creds_file)
app_key = oauth2["app_key"]
app_secret = oauth2["app_secret"]
twitter = Twython(app_key, app_secret, oauth_version=2)
access_token = twitter.obtain_access_token()
tok = f"access_token={access_token}\n"
with open(creds_file, "a") as infile:
print(tok, file=infile)
def guess_path(pth):
If the path is not absolute, guess that it is a subdirectory of the
user's home directory.
:param str pth: The pathname of the directory where files of tweets should be written
if os.path.isabs(pth):
return pth
return os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", pth))