Source code for nltk.test.unit.test_pos_tag

Tests for nltk.pos_tag

import io
import unittest
import unittest.mock

from nltk import pos_tag, word_tokenize
from import brown_tagset, claws5_tagset, upenn_tagset

    $ -$ --$ A$ C$ HK$ M$ NZ$ S$ U.S.$ US$
PRP$: pronoun, possessive
    her his mine my our ours their thy your
WP$: WH-pronoun, possessive

BROWN_TAGSET_NNS_TEST = """NNS: noun, plural, common
    irregularities presentments thanks reports voters laws legislators
    years areas adjustments chambers $100 bonds courts sales details raises
    sessions members congressmen votes polls calls ...

CLAW5_TAGSET_VHD_TEST = """VHD: past tense form of the verb "HAVE"
    had, 'd

[docs] class TestPosTag(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_pos_tag_eng(self): text = "John's big idea isn't all that bad." expected_tagged = [ ("John", "NNP"), ("'s", "POS"), ("big", "JJ"), ("idea", "NN"), ("is", "VBZ"), ("n't", "RB"), ("all", "PDT"), ("that", "DT"), ("bad", "JJ"), (".", "."), ] assert pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)) == expected_tagged
[docs] def test_pos_tag_eng_universal(self): text = "John's big idea isn't all that bad." expected_tagged = [ ("John", "NOUN"), ("'s", "PRT"), ("big", "ADJ"), ("idea", "NOUN"), ("is", "VERB"), ("n't", "ADV"), ("all", "DET"), ("that", "DET"), ("bad", "ADJ"), (".", "."), ] assert pos_tag(word_tokenize(text), tagset="universal") == expected_tagged
[docs] @unittest.mock.patch("sys.stdout", new_callable=io.StringIO) def check_stdout(self, tagset, query_regex, expected_output, mock_stdout): tagset(query_regex) self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(), expected_output)
[docs] def test_tagsets_upenn(self): self.check_stdout(upenn_tagset, r".*\$", UPENN_TAGSET_DOLLAR_TEST)
[docs] def test_tagsets_brown(self): self.check_stdout(brown_tagset, r"NNS", BROWN_TAGSET_NNS_TEST)
[docs] def test_tagsets_claw5(self): self.check_stdout(claws5_tagset, r"VHD", CLAW5_TAGSET_VHD_TEST)
[docs] def test_pos_tag_rus(self): text = "Илья оторопел и дважды перечитал бумажку." expected_tagged = [ ("Илья", "S"), ("оторопел", "V"), ("и", "CONJ"), ("дважды", "ADV"), ("перечитал", "V"), ("бумажку", "S"), (".", "NONLEX"), ] assert pos_tag(word_tokenize(text), lang="rus") == expected_tagged
[docs] def test_pos_tag_rus_universal(self): text = "Илья оторопел и дважды перечитал бумажку." expected_tagged = [ ("Илья", "NOUN"), ("оторопел", "VERB"), ("и", "CONJ"), ("дважды", "ADV"), ("перечитал", "VERB"), ("бумажку", "NOUN"), (".", "."), ] assert ( pos_tag(word_tokenize(text), tagset="universal", lang="rus") == expected_tagged )
[docs] def test_pos_tag_unknown_lang(self): text = "모르겠 습니 다" self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, pos_tag, word_tokenize(text), lang="kor") # Test for default kwarg, `lang=None` self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, pos_tag, word_tokenize(text), lang=None)
[docs] def test_unspecified_lang(self): # Tries to force the lang='eng' option. text = "모르겠 습니 다" expected_but_wrong = [("모르겠", "JJ"), ("습니", "NNP"), ("다", "NN")] assert pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)) == expected_but_wrong