Source code for nltk.test.unit.test_json2csv_corpus

# Natural Language Toolkit: Twitter client
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project
# Author: Lorenzo Rubio <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT

Regression tests for `json2csv()` and `json2csv_entities()` in Twitter
from pathlib import Path

import pytest

from nltk.corpus import twitter_samples
from nltk.twitter.common import json2csv, json2csv_entities

[docs]def files_are_identical(pathA, pathB): """ Compare two files, ignoring carriage returns, leading whitespace, and trailing whitespace """ f1 = [l.strip() for l in pathA.read_bytes().splitlines()] f2 = [l.strip() for l in pathB.read_bytes().splitlines()] return f1 == f2
subdir = Path(__file__).parent / "files"
[docs]@pytest.fixture def infile(): with open(twitter_samples.abspath("tweets.20150430-223406.json")) as infile: return [next(infile) for x in range(100)]
[docs]def test_textoutput(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.text.csv.ref" outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.text.csv" json2csv(infile, outfn, ["text"], gzip_compress=False) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_tweet_metadata(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.tweet.csv.ref" fields = [ "created_at", "favorite_count", "id", "in_reply_to_status_id", "in_reply_to_user_id", "retweet_count", "retweeted", "text", "truncated", "", ] outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.tweet.csv" json2csv(infile, outfn, fields, gzip_compress=False) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_user_metadata(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.user.csv.ref" fields = ["id", "text", "", "user.followers_count", "user.friends_count"] outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.user.csv" json2csv(infile, outfn, fields, gzip_compress=False) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_tweet_hashtag(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.hashtag.csv.ref" outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.hashtag.csv" json2csv_entities( infile, outfn, ["id", "text"], "hashtags", ["text"], gzip_compress=False, ) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_tweet_usermention(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.usermention.csv.ref" outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.usermention.csv" json2csv_entities( infile, outfn, ["id", "text"], "user_mentions", ["id", "screen_name"], gzip_compress=False, ) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_tweet_media(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "" outfn = tmp_path / "" json2csv_entities( infile, outfn, ["id"], "media", ["media_url", "url"], gzip_compress=False, ) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_tweet_url(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.url.csv.ref" outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.url.csv" json2csv_entities( infile, outfn, ["id"], "urls", ["url", "expanded_url"], gzip_compress=False, ) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_userurl(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.userurl.csv.ref" outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.userurl.csv" json2csv_entities( infile, outfn, ["id", "screen_name"], "user.urls", ["url", "expanded_url"], gzip_compress=False, ) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_tweet_place(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "" outfn = tmp_path / "" json2csv_entities( infile, outfn, ["id", "text"], "place", ["name", "country"], gzip_compress=False, ) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_tweet_place_boundingbox(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.placeboundingbox.csv.ref" outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.placeboundingbox.csv" json2csv_entities( infile, outfn, ["id", "name"], "place.bounding_box", ["coordinates"], gzip_compress=False, ) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_retweet_original_tweet(tmp_path, infile): ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.retweet.csv.ref" outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.retweet.csv" json2csv_entities( infile, outfn, ["id"], "retweeted_status", [ "created_at", "favorite_count", "id", "in_reply_to_status_id", "in_reply_to_user_id", "retweet_count", "text", "truncated", "", ], gzip_compress=False, ) assert files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)
[docs]def test_file_is_wrong(tmp_path, infile): """ Sanity check that file comparison is not giving false positives. """ ref_fn = subdir / "tweets.20150430-223406.retweet.csv.ref" outfn = tmp_path / "tweets.20150430-223406.text.csv" json2csv(infile, outfn, ["text"], gzip_compress=False) assert not files_are_identical(outfn, ref_fn)