Source code for nltk.sem.linearlogic

# Natural Language Toolkit: Linear Logic
# Author: Dan Garrette <>
# Copyright (C) 2001-2024 NLTK Project
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT

from nltk.internals import Counter
from nltk.sem.logic import APP, LogicParser

_counter = Counter()

[docs] class Tokens: # Punctuation OPEN = "(" CLOSE = ")" # Operations IMP = "-o" PUNCT = [OPEN, CLOSE] TOKENS = PUNCT + [IMP]
[docs] class LinearLogicParser(LogicParser): """A linear logic expression parser."""
[docs] def __init__(self): LogicParser.__init__(self) self.operator_precedence = {APP: 1, Tokens.IMP: 2, None: 3} self.right_associated_operations += [Tokens.IMP]
[docs] def get_all_symbols(self): return Tokens.TOKENS
[docs] def handle(self, tok, context): if tok not in Tokens.TOKENS: return self.handle_variable(tok, context) elif tok == Tokens.OPEN: return self.handle_open(tok, context)
[docs] def get_BooleanExpression_factory(self, tok): if tok == Tokens.IMP: return ImpExpression else: return None
[docs] def make_BooleanExpression(self, factory, first, second): return factory(first, second)
[docs] def attempt_ApplicationExpression(self, expression, context): """Attempt to make an application expression. If the next tokens are an argument in parens, then the argument expression is a function being applied to the arguments. Otherwise, return the argument expression.""" if self.has_priority(APP, context): if self.inRange(0) and self.token(0) == Tokens.OPEN: self.token() # swallow then open paren argument = self.process_next_expression(APP) self.assertNextToken(Tokens.CLOSE) expression = ApplicationExpression(expression, argument, None) return expression
[docs] def make_VariableExpression(self, name): if name[0].isupper(): return VariableExpression(name) else: return ConstantExpression(name)
[docs] class Expression: _linear_logic_parser = LinearLogicParser()
[docs] @classmethod def fromstring(cls, s): return cls._linear_logic_parser.parse(s)
[docs] def applyto(self, other, other_indices=None): return ApplicationExpression(self, other, other_indices)
def __call__(self, other): return self.applyto(other) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self}>"
[docs] class AtomicExpression(Expression):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, dependencies=None): """ :param name: str for the constant name :param dependencies: list of int for the indices on which this atom is dependent """ assert isinstance(name, str) = name if not dependencies: dependencies = [] self.dependencies = dependencies
[docs] def simplify(self, bindings=None): """ If 'self' is bound by 'bindings', return the atomic to which it is bound. Otherwise, return self. :param bindings: ``BindingDict`` A dictionary of bindings used to simplify :return: ``AtomicExpression`` """ if bindings and self in bindings: return bindings[self] else: return self
[docs] def compile_pos(self, index_counter, glueFormulaFactory): """ From Iddo Lev's PhD Dissertation p108-109 :param index_counter: ``Counter`` for unique indices :param glueFormulaFactory: ``GlueFormula`` for creating new glue formulas :return: (``Expression``,set) for the compiled linear logic and any newly created glue formulas """ self.dependencies = [] return (self, [])
[docs] def compile_neg(self, index_counter, glueFormulaFactory): """ From Iddo Lev's PhD Dissertation p108-109 :param index_counter: ``Counter`` for unique indices :param glueFormulaFactory: ``GlueFormula`` for creating new glue formulas :return: (``Expression``,set) for the compiled linear logic and any newly created glue formulas """ self.dependencies = [] return (self, [])
[docs] def initialize_labels(self, fstruct): = fstruct.initialize_label(
def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and == def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __str__(self): accum = if self.dependencies: accum += "%s" % self.dependencies return accum def __hash__(self): return hash(
[docs] class ConstantExpression(AtomicExpression):
[docs] def unify(self, other, bindings): """ If 'other' is a constant, then it must be equal to 'self'. If 'other' is a variable, then it must not be bound to anything other than 'self'. :param other: ``Expression`` :param bindings: ``BindingDict`` A dictionary of all current bindings :return: ``BindingDict`` A new combined dictionary of of 'bindings' and any new binding :raise UnificationException: If 'self' and 'other' cannot be unified in the context of 'bindings' """ assert isinstance(other, Expression) if isinstance(other, VariableExpression): try: return bindings + BindingDict([(other, self)]) except VariableBindingException: pass elif self == other: return bindings raise UnificationException(self, other, bindings)
[docs] class VariableExpression(AtomicExpression):
[docs] def unify(self, other, bindings): """ 'self' must not be bound to anything other than 'other'. :param other: ``Expression`` :param bindings: ``BindingDict`` A dictionary of all current bindings :return: ``BindingDict`` A new combined dictionary of of 'bindings' and the new binding :raise UnificationException: If 'self' and 'other' cannot be unified in the context of 'bindings' """ assert isinstance(other, Expression) try: if self == other: return bindings else: return bindings + BindingDict([(self, other)]) except VariableBindingException as e: raise UnificationException(self, other, bindings) from e
[docs] class ImpExpression(Expression):
[docs] def __init__(self, antecedent, consequent): """ :param antecedent: ``Expression`` for the antecedent :param consequent: ``Expression`` for the consequent """ assert isinstance(antecedent, Expression) assert isinstance(consequent, Expression) self.antecedent = antecedent self.consequent = consequent
[docs] def simplify(self, bindings=None): return self.__class__( self.antecedent.simplify(bindings), self.consequent.simplify(bindings) )
[docs] def unify(self, other, bindings): """ Both the antecedent and consequent of 'self' and 'other' must unify. :param other: ``ImpExpression`` :param bindings: ``BindingDict`` A dictionary of all current bindings :return: ``BindingDict`` A new combined dictionary of of 'bindings' and any new bindings :raise UnificationException: If 'self' and 'other' cannot be unified in the context of 'bindings' """ assert isinstance(other, ImpExpression) try: return ( bindings + self.antecedent.unify(other.antecedent, bindings) + self.consequent.unify(other.consequent, bindings) ) except VariableBindingException as e: raise UnificationException(self, other, bindings) from e
[docs] def compile_pos(self, index_counter, glueFormulaFactory): """ From Iddo Lev's PhD Dissertation p108-109 :param index_counter: ``Counter`` for unique indices :param glueFormulaFactory: ``GlueFormula`` for creating new glue formulas :return: (``Expression``,set) for the compiled linear logic and any newly created glue formulas """ (a, a_new) = self.antecedent.compile_neg(index_counter, glueFormulaFactory) (c, c_new) = self.consequent.compile_pos(index_counter, glueFormulaFactory) return (ImpExpression(a, c), a_new + c_new)
[docs] def compile_neg(self, index_counter, glueFormulaFactory): """ From Iddo Lev's PhD Dissertation p108-109 :param index_counter: ``Counter`` for unique indices :param glueFormulaFactory: ``GlueFormula`` for creating new glue formulas :return: (``Expression``,list of ``GlueFormula``) for the compiled linear logic and any newly created glue formulas """ (a, a_new) = self.antecedent.compile_pos(index_counter, glueFormulaFactory) (c, c_new) = self.consequent.compile_neg(index_counter, glueFormulaFactory) fresh_index = index_counter.get() c.dependencies.append(fresh_index) new_v = glueFormulaFactory("v%s" % fresh_index, a, {fresh_index}) return (c, a_new + c_new + [new_v])
[docs] def initialize_labels(self, fstruct): self.antecedent.initialize_labels(fstruct) self.consequent.initialize_labels(fstruct)
def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.antecedent == other.antecedent and self.consequent == other.consequent ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __str__(self): return "{}{} {} {}{}".format( Tokens.OPEN, self.antecedent, Tokens.IMP, self.consequent, Tokens.CLOSE, ) def __hash__(self): return hash(f"{hash(self.antecedent)}{Tokens.IMP}{hash(self.consequent)}")
[docs] class ApplicationExpression(Expression):
[docs] def __init__(self, function, argument, argument_indices=None): """ :param function: ``Expression`` for the function :param argument: ``Expression`` for the argument :param argument_indices: set for the indices of the glue formula from which the argument came :raise LinearLogicApplicationException: If 'function' cannot be applied to 'argument' given 'argument_indices'. """ function_simp = function.simplify() argument_simp = argument.simplify() assert isinstance(function_simp, ImpExpression) assert isinstance(argument_simp, Expression) bindings = BindingDict() try: if isinstance(function, ApplicationExpression): bindings += function.bindings if isinstance(argument, ApplicationExpression): bindings += argument.bindings bindings += function_simp.antecedent.unify(argument_simp, bindings) except UnificationException as e: raise LinearLogicApplicationException( f"Cannot apply {function_simp} to {argument_simp}. {e}" ) from e # If you are running it on complied premises, more conditions apply if argument_indices: # A.dependencies of (A -o (B -o C)) must be a proper subset of argument_indices if not set(function_simp.antecedent.dependencies) < argument_indices: raise LinearLogicApplicationException( "Dependencies unfulfilled when attempting to apply Linear Logic formula %s to %s" % (function_simp, argument_simp) ) if set(function_simp.antecedent.dependencies) == argument_indices: raise LinearLogicApplicationException( "Dependencies not a proper subset of indices when attempting to apply Linear Logic formula %s to %s" % (function_simp, argument_simp) ) self.function = function self.argument = argument self.bindings = bindings
[docs] def simplify(self, bindings=None): """ Since function is an implication, return its consequent. There should be no need to check that the application is valid since the checking is done by the constructor. :param bindings: ``BindingDict`` A dictionary of bindings used to simplify :return: ``Expression`` """ if not bindings: bindings = self.bindings return self.function.simplify(bindings).consequent
def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.function == other.function and self.argument == other.argument ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.function + Tokens.OPEN + "%s" % self.argument + Tokens.CLOSE def __hash__(self): return hash(f"{hash(self.antecedent)}{Tokens.OPEN}{hash(self.consequent)}")
[docs] class BindingDict:
[docs] def __init__(self, bindings=None): """ :param bindings: list [(``VariableExpression``, ``AtomicExpression``)] to initialize the dictionary dict {``VariableExpression``: ``AtomicExpression``} to initialize the dictionary """ self.d = {} if isinstance(bindings, dict): bindings = bindings.items() if bindings: for v, b in bindings: self[v] = b
def __setitem__(self, variable, binding): """ A binding is consistent with the dict if its variable is not already bound, OR if its variable is already bound to its argument. :param variable: ``VariableExpression`` The variable bind :param binding: ``Expression`` The expression to which 'variable' should be bound :raise VariableBindingException: If the variable cannot be bound in this dictionary """ assert isinstance(variable, VariableExpression) assert isinstance(binding, Expression) assert variable != binding existing = self.d.get(variable, None) if not existing or binding == existing: self.d[variable] = binding else: raise VariableBindingException( "Variable %s already bound to another value" % (variable) ) def __getitem__(self, variable): """ Return the expression to which 'variable' is bound """ assert isinstance(variable, VariableExpression) intermediate = self.d[variable] while intermediate: try: intermediate = self.d[intermediate] except KeyError: return intermediate def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.d def __add__(self, other): """ :param other: ``BindingDict`` The dict with which to combine self :return: ``BindingDict`` A new dict containing all the elements of both parameters :raise VariableBindingException: If the parameter dictionaries are not consistent with each other """ try: combined = BindingDict() for v in self.d: combined[v] = self.d[v] for v in other.d: combined[v] = other.d[v] return combined except VariableBindingException as e: raise VariableBindingException( "Attempting to add two contradicting" " VariableBindingsLists: %s, %s" % (self, other) ) from e def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BindingDict): raise TypeError return self.d == other.d def __str__(self): return "{" + ", ".join(f"{v}: {self.d[v]}" for v in sorted(self.d.keys())) + "}" def __repr__(self): return "BindingDict: %s" % self
[docs] class VariableBindingException(Exception): pass
[docs] class UnificationException(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, a, b, bindings): Exception.__init__(self, f"Cannot unify {a} with {b} given {bindings}")
[docs] class LinearLogicApplicationException(Exception): pass
[docs] def demo(): lexpr = Expression.fromstring print(lexpr(r"f")) print(lexpr(r"(g -o f)")) print(lexpr(r"((g -o G) -o G)")) print(lexpr(r"g -o h -o f")) print(lexpr(r"(g -o f)(g)").simplify()) print(lexpr(r"(H -o f)(g)").simplify()) print(lexpr(r"((g -o G) -o G)((g -o f))").simplify()) print(lexpr(r"(H -o H)((g -o f))").simplify())
if __name__ == "__main__": demo()