Source code for nltk.corpus.reader.bracket_parse

# Natural Language Toolkit: Penn Treebank Reader
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project
# Author: Steven Bird <>
#         Edward Loper <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Corpus reader for corpora that consist of parenthesis-delineated parse trees.

import sys

from nltk.corpus.reader.api import *
from nltk.corpus.reader.util import *
from nltk.tag import map_tag
from nltk.tree import Tree

# we use [^\s()]+ instead of \S+? to avoid matching ()
SORTTAGWRD = re.compile(r"\((\d+) ([^\s()]+) ([^\s()]+)\)")
TAGWORD = re.compile(r"\(([^\s()]+) ([^\s()]+)\)")
WORD = re.compile(r"\([^\s()]+ ([^\s()]+)\)")
EMPTY_BRACKETS = re.compile(r"\s*\(\s*\(")

[docs]class BracketParseCorpusReader(SyntaxCorpusReader): """ Reader for corpora that consist of parenthesis-delineated parse trees, like those found in the "combined" section of the Penn Treebank, e.g. "(S (NP (DT the) (JJ little) (NN dog)) (VP (VBD barked)))". """
[docs] def __init__( self, root, fileids, comment_char=None, detect_blocks="unindented_paren", encoding="utf8", tagset=None, ): """ :param root: The root directory for this corpus. :param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus. :param comment_char: The character which can appear at the start of a line to indicate that the rest of the line is a comment. :param detect_blocks: The method that is used to find blocks in the corpus; can be 'unindented_paren' (every unindented parenthesis starts a new parse) or 'sexpr' (brackets are matched). :param tagset: The name of the tagset used by this corpus, to be used for normalizing or converting the POS tags returned by the ``tagged_...()`` methods. """ SyntaxCorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding) self._comment_char = comment_char self._detect_blocks = detect_blocks self._tagset = tagset
def _read_block(self, stream): if self._detect_blocks == "sexpr": return read_sexpr_block(stream, comment_char=self._comment_char) elif self._detect_blocks == "blankline": return read_blankline_block(stream) elif self._detect_blocks == "unindented_paren": # Tokens start with unindented left parens. toks = read_regexp_block(stream, start_re=r"^\(") # Strip any comments out of the tokens. if self._comment_char: toks = [ re.sub("(?m)^%s.*" % re.escape(self._comment_char), "", tok) for tok in toks ] return toks else: assert 0, "bad block type" def _normalize(self, t): # Replace leaves of the form (!), (,), with (! !), (, ,) t = re.sub(r"\((.)\)", r"(\1 \1)", t) # Replace leaves of the form (tag word root) with (tag word) t = re.sub(r"\(([^\s()]+) ([^\s()]+) [^\s()]+\)", r"(\1 \2)", t) return t def _parse(self, t): try: tree = Tree.fromstring(self._normalize(t)) # If there's an empty node at the top, strip it off if tree.label() == "" and len(tree) == 1: return tree[0] else: return tree except ValueError as e: sys.stderr.write("Bad tree detected; trying to recover...\n") # Try to recover, if we can: if e.args == ("mismatched parens",): for n in range(1, 5): try: v = Tree(self._normalize(t + ")" * n)) sys.stderr.write( " Recovered by adding %d close " "paren(s)\n" % n ) return v except ValueError: pass # Try something else: sys.stderr.write(" Recovered by returning a flat parse.\n") # sys.stderr.write(' '.join(t.split())+'\n') return Tree("S", self._tag(t)) def _tag(self, t, tagset=None): tagged_sent = [(w, p) for (p, w) in TAGWORD.findall(self._normalize(t))] if tagset and tagset != self._tagset: tagged_sent = [ (w, map_tag(self._tagset, tagset, p)) for (w, p) in tagged_sent ] return tagged_sent def _word(self, t): return WORD.findall(self._normalize(t))
[docs]class CategorizedBracketParseCorpusReader( CategorizedCorpusReader, BracketParseCorpusReader ): """ A reader for parsed corpora whose documents are divided into categories based on their file identifiers. @author: Nathan Schneider <> """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the corpus reader. Categorization arguments (C{cat_pattern}, C{cat_map}, and C{cat_file}) are passed to the L{CategorizedCorpusReader constructor <CategorizedCorpusReader.__init__>}. The remaining arguments are passed to the L{BracketParseCorpusReader constructor <BracketParseCorpusReader.__init__>}. """ CategorizedCorpusReader.__init__(self, kwargs) BracketParseCorpusReader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def tagged_words(self, fileids=None, categories=None, tagset=None): return super().tagged_words(self._resolve(fileids, categories), tagset)
[docs] def tagged_sents(self, fileids=None, categories=None, tagset=None): return super().tagged_sents(self._resolve(fileids, categories), tagset)
[docs] def tagged_paras(self, fileids=None, categories=None, tagset=None): return super().tagged_paras(self._resolve(fileids, categories), tagset)
[docs] def parsed_words(self, fileids=None, categories=None): return super().parsed_words(self._resolve(fileids, categories))
[docs] def parsed_sents(self, fileids=None, categories=None): return super().parsed_sents(self._resolve(fileids, categories))
[docs] def parsed_paras(self, fileids=None, categories=None): return super().parsed_paras(self._resolve(fileids, categories))
[docs]class AlpinoCorpusReader(BracketParseCorpusReader): """ Reader for the Alpino Dutch Treebank. This corpus has a lexical breakdown structure embedded, as read by `_parse` Unfortunately this puts punctuation and some other words out of the sentence order in the xml element tree. This is no good for `tag_` and `word_` `_tag` and `_word` will be overridden to use a non-default new parameter 'ordered' to the overridden _normalize function. The _parse function can then remain untouched. """
[docs] def __init__(self, root, encoding="ISO-8859-1", tagset=None): BracketParseCorpusReader.__init__( self, root, r"alpino\.xml", detect_blocks="blankline", encoding=encoding, tagset=tagset, )
def _normalize(self, t, ordered=False): """Normalize the xml sentence element in t. The sentence elements <alpino_ds>, although embedded in a few overall xml elements, are separated by blank lines. That's how the reader can deliver them one at a time. Each sentence has a few category subnodes that are of no use to us. The remaining word nodes may or may not appear in the proper order. Each word node has attributes, among which: - begin : the position of the word in the sentence - pos : Part of Speech: the Tag - word : the actual word The return value is a string with all xml elementes replaced by clauses: either a cat clause with nested clauses, or a word clause. The order of the bracket clauses closely follows the xml. If ordered == True, the word clauses include an order sequence number. If ordered == False, the word clauses only have pos and word parts. """ if t[:10] != "<alpino_ds": return "" # convert XML to sexpr notation t = re.sub(r' <node .*? cat="(\w+)".*>', r"(\1", t) if ordered: t = re.sub( r' <node. *?begin="(\d+)".*? pos="(\w+)".*? word="([^"]+)".*?/>', r"(\1 \2 \3)", t, ) else: t = re.sub(r' <node .*?pos="(\w+)".*? word="([^"]+)".*?/>', r"(\1 \2)", t) t = re.sub(r" </node>", r")", t) t = re.sub(r"<sentence>.*</sentence>", r"", t) t = re.sub(r"</?alpino_ds.*>", r"", t) return t def _tag(self, t, tagset=None): tagged_sent = [ (int(o), w, p) for (o, p, w) in SORTTAGWRD.findall(self._normalize(t, ordered=True)) ] tagged_sent.sort() if tagset and tagset != self._tagset: tagged_sent = [ (w, map_tag(self._tagset, tagset, p)) for (o, w, p) in tagged_sent ] else: tagged_sent = [(w, p) for (o, w, p) in tagged_sent] return tagged_sent def _word(self, t): """Return a correctly ordered list if words""" tagged_sent = self._tag(t) return [w for (w, p) in tagged_sent]