Source code for nltk.corpus.reader.bcp47

# Natural Language Toolkit: BCP-47 language tags
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 NLTK Project
# Author: Eric Kafe <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT

import re
from warnings import warn
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

from nltk.corpus.reader import CorpusReader

[docs]class BCP47CorpusReader(CorpusReader): """ Parse BCP-47 composite language tags Supports all the main subtags, and the 'u-sd' extension: >>> from nltk.corpus import bcp47 >>>'oc-gascon-u-sd-fr64') 'Occitan (post 1500): Gascon: Pyrénées-Atlantiques' Can load a conversion table to Wikidata Q-codes: >>> bcp47.load_wiki_q() >>> bcp47.wiki_q['en-GI-spanglis'] 'Q79388' """
[docs] def __init__(self, root, fileids): """Read the BCP-47 database""" super().__init__(root, fileids) self.langcode = {} with"iana/language-subtag-registry.txt") as fp: self.db = self.data_dict("%%\n")) with"cldr/common-subdivisions-en.xml") as fp: self.subdiv = self.subdiv_dict( et.parse(fp).iterfind("localeDisplayNames/subdivisions/subdivision") ) self.morphology()
[docs] def load_wiki_q(self): """Load conversion table to Wikidata Q-codes (only if needed)""" with"cldr/tools-cldr-rdf-external-entityToCode.tsv") as fp: self.wiki_q = self.wiki_dict("\n")[1:])
[docs] def wiki_dict(self, lines): """Convert Wikidata list of Q-codes to a BCP-47 dictionary""" return { pair[1]: pair[0].split("/")[-1] for pair in [line.strip().split("\t") for line in lines] }
[docs] def subdiv_dict(self, subdivs): """Convert the CLDR subdivisions list to a dictionary""" return {sub.attrib["type"]: sub.text for sub in subdivs}
[docs] def morphology(self): self.casing = { "language": str.lower, "extlang": str.lower, "script": str.title, "region": str.upper, "variant": str.lower, } dig = "[0-9]" low = "[a-z]" up = "[A-Z]" alnum = "[a-zA-Z0-9]" self.format = { "language": re.compile(f"{low*3}?"), "extlang": re.compile(f"{low*3}"), "script": re.compile(f"{up}{low*3}"), "region": re.compile(f"({up*2})|({dig*3})"), "variant": re.compile(f"{alnum*4}{(alnum+'?')*4}"), "singleton": re.compile(f"{low}"), }
[docs] def data_dict(self, records): """Convert the BCP-47 language subtag registry to a dictionary""" self.version = records[0].replace("File-Date:", "").strip() dic = {} dic["deprecated"] = {} for label in [ "language", "extlang", "script", "region", "variant", "redundant", "grandfathered", ]: dic["deprecated"][label] = {} for record in records[1:]: fields = [field.split(": ") for field in record.strip().split("\n")] typ = fields[0][1] tag = fields[1][1] if typ not in dic: dic[typ] = {} subfields = {} for field in fields[2:]: if len(field) == 2: [key, val] = field if key not in subfields: subfields[key] = [val] else: # multiple value subfields[key].append(val) else: # multiline field subfields[key][-1] += " " + field[0].strip() if ( "Deprecated" not in record and typ == "language" and key == "Description" ): self.langcode[subfields[key][-1]] = tag for key in subfields: if len(subfields[key]) == 1: # single value subfields[key] = subfields[key][0] if "Deprecated" in record: dic["deprecated"][typ][tag] = subfields else: dic[typ][tag] = subfields return dic
[docs] def val2str(self, val): """Return only first value""" if type(val) == list: # val = "/".join(val) # Concatenate all values val = val[0] return val
[docs] def lang2str(self, lg_record): """Concatenate subtag values""" name = f"{lg_record['language']}" for label in ["extlang", "script", "region", "variant", "extension"]: if label in lg_record: name += f": {lg_record[label]}" return name
[docs] def parse_tag(self, tag): """Convert a BCP-47 tag to a dictionary of labelled subtags""" subtags = tag.split("-") lang = {} labels = ["language", "extlang", "script", "region", "variant", "variant"] while subtags and labels: subtag = subtags.pop(0) found = False while labels: label = labels.pop(0) subtag = self.casing[label](subtag) if self.format[label].fullmatch(subtag): if subtag in self.db[label]: found = True valstr = self.val2str(self.db[label][subtag]["Description"]) if label == "variant" and label in lang: lang[label] += ": " + valstr else: lang[label] = valstr break elif subtag in self.db["deprecated"][label]: found = True note = f"The {subtag!r} {label} code is deprecated" if "Preferred-Value" in self.db["deprecated"][label][subtag]: prefer = self.db["deprecated"][label][subtag][ "Preferred-Value" ] note += f"', prefer '{self.val2str(prefer)}'" lang[label] = self.val2str( self.db["deprecated"][label][subtag]["Description"] ) warn(note) break if not found: if subtag == "u" and subtags[0] == "sd": # CLDR regional subdivisions sd = subtags[1] if sd in self.subdiv: ext = self.subdiv[sd] else: ext = f"<Unknown subdivision: {ext}>" else: # other extension subtags are not supported yet ext = f"{subtag}{''.join(['-'+ext for ext in subtags])}".lower() if not self.format["singleton"].fullmatch(subtag): ext = f"<Invalid extension: {ext}>" warn(ext) lang["extension"] = ext subtags = [] return lang
[docs] def name(self, tag): """ Convert a BCP-47 tag to a colon-separated string of subtag names >>> from nltk.corpus import bcp47 >>>'ca-Latn-ES-valencia') 'Catalan: Latin: Spain: Valencian' """ for label in ["redundant", "grandfathered"]: val = None if tag in self.db[label]: val = f"{self.db[label][tag]['Description']}" note = f"The {tag!r} code is {label}" elif tag in self.db["deprecated"][label]: val = f"{self.db['deprecated'][label][tag]['Description']}" note = f"The {tag!r} code is {label} and deprecated" if "Preferred-Value" in self.db["deprecated"][label][tag]: prefer = self.db["deprecated"][label][tag]["Preferred-Value"] note += f", prefer {self.val2str(prefer)!r}" if val: warn(note) return val try: return self.lang2str(self.parse_tag(tag)) except: warn(f"Tag {tag!r} was not recognized") return None