Source code for nltk.corpus.reader.ppattach

# Natural Language Toolkit: PP Attachment Corpus Reader
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project
# Author: Steven Bird <>
#         Edward Loper <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT

Read lines from the Prepositional Phrase Attachment Corpus.

The PP Attachment Corpus contains several files having the format:

sentence_id verb noun1 preposition noun2 attachment

For example:

42960 gives authority to administration V
46742 gives inventors of microchip N

The PP attachment is to the verb phrase (V) or noun phrase (N), i.e.:

(VP gives (NP authority) (PP to administration))
(VP gives (NP inventors (PP of microchip)))

The corpus contains the following files:

training:   training set
devset:     development test set, used for algorithm development.
test:       test set, used to report results
bitstrings: word classes derived from Mutual Information Clustering for the Wall Street Journal.

Ratnaparkhi, Adwait (1994). A Maximum Entropy Model for Prepositional
Phrase Attachment.  Proceedings of the ARPA Human Language Technology
Conference.  []

The PP Attachment Corpus is distributed with NLTK with the permission
of the author.

from nltk.corpus.reader.api import *
from nltk.corpus.reader.util import *

[docs]class PPAttachment:
[docs] def __init__(self, sent, verb, noun1, prep, noun2, attachment): self.sent = sent self.verb = verb self.noun1 = noun1 self.prep = prep self.noun2 = noun2 self.attachment = attachment
def __repr__(self): return ( "PPAttachment(sent=%r, verb=%r, noun1=%r, prep=%r, " "noun2=%r, attachment=%r)" % (self.sent, self.verb, self.noun1, self.prep, self.noun2, self.attachment) )
[docs]class PPAttachmentCorpusReader(CorpusReader): """ sentence_id verb noun1 preposition noun2 attachment """
[docs] def attachments(self, fileids): return concat( [ StreamBackedCorpusView(fileid, self._read_obj_block, encoding=enc) for (fileid, enc) in self.abspaths(fileids, True) ] )
[docs] def tuples(self, fileids): return concat( [ StreamBackedCorpusView(fileid, self._read_tuple_block, encoding=enc) for (fileid, enc) in self.abspaths(fileids, True) ] )
def _read_tuple_block(self, stream): line = stream.readline() if line: return [tuple(line.split())] else: return [] def _read_obj_block(self, stream): line = stream.readline() if line: return [PPAttachment(*line.split())] else: return []